"Society has conditioned us that we need to do X/Y/Z to be successful and that is a lie. When I was working 9 to 5 I would fantasize around what I am doing now"
Meet Emma, Emma was living in Connecticut after graduating (which was something she didn't even want to do in the first place), working a job that wasn't making her happy and pining over people on Instagram living her dream.
She made the decision that the time was never going to be right and started to plan her van, in a year she was taking off on an adventure of a lifetime.
Emma left with 2 PAY CHECKS, yes you heard right... 2 pay checks. She reveals in the podcast how you can make it on the road without a steady income.
"Just do it, please. We need more people taking control of their lives and not letting someone else dictate what their future is going to look like. Society has conditioned us that we need to do X/Y/Z to be successful and that is a lie"
Check out Emma's Instagram: @emmagoes
Editorial: If you would like to share this story please ensure you tag in @Emmagoes + @AugieSundays.
Augie Sundays x